Adult Acne: Here’s Why You’re Breaking Up in Your 20s and 30s

Adult Acne: Here’s Why You’re Breaking Up in Your 20s and 30s
If you’re someone who’s sailed through teenage without a single breakout, it might be confusing to see pimples pop up well into your adulthood. We get it. Acnes are not only associated with teenagers only, and it is not easy to get rid of adult acne, as they might be caused due to stress and anxiety. A breakout can occur even in your middle age. Studies have shown that 35% of women deal with acne in their 30s, 26% in their 40s and 15% in the 50+ age group.
While teen acne usually happens around the cheeks, nose and forehead, adult acne pops up around the jawline, chin and neck.
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Causes of Adult Acne
The primary reason for any kind of acne breakout (whether in teenage or adulthood) is the fluctuation in hormone levels. However, adult acne has a wide spectrum of causes that lead to these fluctuations. The common causes of adult acne are :
1. Stress: A vicious circle can start where stress causes acne and acne causes stress. Stress leads to the release of cortisol (steroid hormone) by adrenal glands. Cortisol is responsible for the production of excess oil or sebum, which leads to clogged pores resulting in acne.
So, the first thing you should do is not to overthink, as that may aggravate the acne situation. Get plenty of sleep and indulge in your favorite activities for happy hormones.
2. Diet: Certain foods trigger the hormones that produce excess oil. These include junk and processed foods like white bread, rice, potato chips, cookies, cakes etc. Studies have shown a connection between milk and acne. Milk increases the blood sugar level, leading to excess oil production.
Keep track of your diet to understand if any particular kind of food is causing an acne breakout. Cut on junk, processed, oily and greasy foods. Make sure you consume plenty of fruit and vegetables, fish and flax seeds, as they provide nutrients that fight acne and keep your skin glowing.
3. PMS: A female body produces less of the female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) around the menstrual cycle. In contrast, the level of male hormones (testosterone -present in the female body in less quantity) remains the same during menses. This fluctuation in the hormones leads to menstrual acne, which is very common in women.
Menstrual acne subsides on its own after the bleeding starts. But if the breakout is severe and brings with it inflammation or a rash that hurts, it's best to visit a gynecologist who can help with some medications that keep the acne in check.
Other factors that trigger acne in adults are pregnancy, PCOS and birth control pills. As a result of all these conditions, hormone levels in the body are disrupted, causing acne. Thus adult acne skin care requires special attention.
Read Also: Acne on Chin and Jawline: What Causes It & How to Prevent It?
3 Tips to Cure Adult Acne
1. Follow a skin hygine routine by washing face twice with a gentle cleanser. Follow it up with creams or lotions that are non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic (they don’t cause breakouts). Epique’s Gentle Cleansing foam is the perfect cleanser for mature skin and for adult acne cure. It’s one of the best skincare for adult acne as it helps remove dead cells, grime and dirt from your skin, helping your pores breathe.
2. To fight adult acne, you will require Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide, as both cure acne.
3. Certain medications affect hormones and help in controlling adult acne. These include birth control pills. Visit a doctor to get the best advice on the combination of medications, prescription retinoids or antibiotics that will suit you to get rid of adult acne.